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One of my favorite features on the iPhone version of Scrabble is the ability to play against other people through Facebook. They're the exact same game and through Facebook Connect, people can word battle one another, despite being on completely different platforms. With Facebook Connect coming to Xbox 360 later this year, could we see similar connectivity between Xbox 360 and Facebook games?
"Absolutely," Facebook's head of platform Ethan Beard told me back at E3. "Yeah, totally. That's a simple one -- that's an easy one. There's probably things that we haven't even thought of [coming later]."
Running with the Scrabble example -- Scrabble already exists on Microsoft's platform through Xbox Live Arcade. Electronic Arts has produced the Facebook, iPhone and Xbox 360 versions of Scrabble and was the first company to announce support for Facebook Connect on Xbox 360 with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10. There's nothing stopping them from introducing this platform-to-platform connectivity.
"You literally can make a move on Scrabble on your iPhone [and] your girlfriend can make the countermove on the PC," said Beard, "and logically, you could make it on the TV now with our Xbox announcement."
The ball is in EA's court. If they introduced this feature, would you use it?
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