Directed by George Orozco
Assist Dir. Hopsin
Music Video Producer: Moses Israel
DP: Justin Jones
Cam Op: Darell Nash
Gaffers: Donovan Gavin, Kevin Manning, Jerry Miramontes, Travis Macedo and Nick Tamashiro
DIT: Oscar Estrada
MUA: Karina Caro
Talent: Henry Clarke, America Del Sol, Nancy Francis, Ron Mendola, Wendy York Donovan Gavin, Kevin Manning, Le-Git, Travis Mecado and James Membreno
Special Thanks: On Point Films, Central City Studios, Hollywood Studio Rentals, The City Of Panorama City and The City Of Los Angeles
Hopsin rapping about the troubles of having a friend that's addicted to crystal meth (this video is amazing too).
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(Source: @FunkVolume on Twitter)
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Directed by George Orozco Assist Dir. Hopsin Music Video Producer: Moses Israel DP: Justin Jones Cam Op: Darell Nash Gaffers: Donovan...
funk volume
hip hop
music video
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